2016/7: Christmas and New Year

2017 has taken us on its speedy journey filled with big changes – wishing all our great family and friends a fantastic year and look forward to sharing good times with you.

Lovely this year to get ready for Christmas with Mum (she and Malvy made some mean mince pies, cheese straws and a Christmas log). Christmas was good – chilled out with good friends, lots of champagne, long walks with Picsou and nice, cozy lunches out in our favourite places and the bonus of celebrating Mum’s birthday with her.

Relaxation was briefly interrupted by shipping crates off for our next move – this time only 20 boxes (mostly my clothes and shoes it seems from the inventory). Yes, we are leaving the garlic & ducks, deserts and tropical islands for a while…..to move to Bern, Switzerland, home of the bears, Einstein (for a while), the Zytglogge, medieval streets and more to be discovered.

Most gorgeous New Year’s Eve with good friends and then our departure….. We decided to take the train to Bern to make it less stressful for Picsou.. We spent the night in a great hotel in Lyon and then took the train to Bern the following day. I had been so efficient in packing, I had packed Picsou’s passport in the packing crates so, literally 20 minutes before we had to leave our house in France I did the mad-panicked-I-remember-this-from-being-a-kid-cycling  to get a certificate from our lovely vet (our car was already garaged), but we weren’t sure if it would be enough. In fact, Picsou made a bid for freedom at the train station before the border. Without going into details, we managed to get him back, everyone was ok – not squashed by a TGV, electrocuted or arrested and when we got to the border check, there was no-one there..

We arrived in Bern in the snow – beautiful!

First week has been good – Malvy and Kutty back to school and work and I to work and discovering the city (well, more of a town). Malvy loves her school, has made friends and had her first day skiing with the school. So far, so zehr guat!


2017 avait nous pris rapidement et avec des grands changements dans notre vie. Nos meilleurs voeux a tous notre famille et amis excellents pour une annee fabuleuse en esperant a partager des bons moments ensemble.

Noel et Reveillon super avec nos bons amis a Beaumont de Lomagne et ma mere.

Beaucoup de relaxation avant le demenagement a Bern en Suisse (que 20 caisses cette fois ci). J’etais si efficace a ranger nos affaires, j’ai mis le passport de Picsou (notre chien) dans une caisse deja partie en suisse. La voiture deja gare por l’hiver, je suis alle en velo comme une gosse la plus vite possible a demande au vet super de nous faire un certificat pour Picsou. En fait, a la gare de Mulhouse, Picsou a profite d’une laisse mal attachee et a cherche sa liberte. Sans donner tous les details, nous avons reussi a le recupere sans etres ecrase par un TGV, arrete ou blesse et a la frontiere il y avait personne. Alors, wilkomma zum Bern.

La premiere semaine super avec une neige magique et la premiere journee de ski pour Malvy avec son ecole.

2016/7: Christmas, NYE and Bern

8 Responses

  1. Liz Boggis

    I’ve scarcely been on Facebook recently – so glad I checked in and saw this! Very happy for you all, your life seems to be do much fun. Lots of love & happy new year to you all xx

    • lou.simpson.france@hotmail.com

      Hey Liz…..so good to see your comment here and the communication stars must have been aligned! Sending much love to you all x

  2. Zoey

    Glad to hear that Picsou was safe after his adventure in the train station! Hope your transition goes smoothly, and that you have some great new adventures. Chances are, we’ll come to see what you’ve discovered in not too long!! Big hugs to you four.. xxxxxxxxxZ and the gang

    • lou.simpson.france@hotmail.com

      Hey you! Thanks for the comment Zoey. We are doing good….let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. We will make it our mission to find some cool places to hang out in with you. Much love x

  3. Rachel Close

    Wowwewa … this is big news. Sounds like all is going really well. Lovely to read this and see photos. Big hugs and lots of love ❤️

    • lou.simpson.france@hotmail.com

      Hey there lovely….yes, so far, so good. SO fitting that this year is the year of the Fire Rooster which is about working hard and being patient in order to receive our goals. For you and Martin too, this is a pretty momentous year and I can’t say how happy I am to see you realise your dreams. And, the work to get the studio ready happened in such a short time. Do you have fairies?
      OK my lovely, I will go now and I am sure you are busy trying not to kiss and hold Maya just one last time (again and again). Please give her a huge hug from her Auntie Lou and tell her that my backpacking trip was one of the best experiences in my life. Much love x

  4. Marina

    New year,new place, new adventure 😀. .Have a wonderful 2017 and big hugs to you all!

    • lou.simpson.france@hotmail.com

      Hey there Miss Marina. Good to hear from you. Best wishes to you both for 2017 too. Much love x

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